Source Code Management (SCM)

Source code management (SCM) is synonymous with Version control. It is a software tool that programmers use to manage source code. It tracks modifications to a source code repository and helps deal with merge conflicts.


Benefits of Source Code Management

Complete version history

More effective collaboration

Workflow automation

Better communication

Graphic displays of code history

Generated release notes

Code backup

Pipeline analytics

Version Control

Version control

Version control is a revision control system designed to track changes to code over time. The term is often used interchangeably with source code management.

Version control is managed with version control software that tracks every code change in a special type of database. When developers save changes made to a file, the system retains — rather than overwrites — all the changes from every previous version of that file.

Version control

Maintaining a versioned record of all code changes in this way offers several benefits

Types of version control system: